Guitarist Al Romano playing last October.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Just me and my shadows
Hanging out in the afternoon son with a lamp and a tree.
A lamp by the side of the road
Taken with a digital point and shoot and edited with
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Battlestar Galactica’s Twelve Colonies in Map Form
Ever wonder how twelve habitable planets could exist in the same solar system? So did Jane Espenson, showrunner for Caprica, the Battlestar Galactica prequel series. So she and science advisor Kevin Grazier went to work on a star map where it would all fit. In the end, they settled on a double-double-binary star system, giving each planet a home with a few other local planets to keep them company while still falling under the “solar system” category. Also on the map (above, click to embiggen): lore tidbits for each planet, some information on the spacefaring history of the Kobol colonists, even what colonies support universal health care. No, really. Check it out.
Michael Sacco is a freelance editor and writer, currently working as senior editor at WoW Insider.
"The Devil's Toy Box
Click Here to Listen to the Interview
"Poor Mans Paranormal" a book by Joshua P. Warren