Major Dieties
Kane - the creator
Ku - the architect and maker of war
Lono - god of peace and prosperity, wind and rain
Kanaloa - god of the ocean.
Gods in the Realm of Death (Po)
Akea - first Hawaiian king who founded a kingdom in the afterlife.
Milu - suceeded Akea.
Manua - supreme soverign of Po, the spirits of chiefs and priests live within him.
Celestial Dieties
Kaonohiokala - dead chiefs are brought to him in the eyeball of the sun
Kuahairo - Kaonohiokala’s messenger
Olopue - a god on Maui who brought the dead chiefs to Kaonohiokala
Pele - Goddess of the Volcano
Pele had five brothers and eight sisters who did her bidding, among them:
Kamooalii - King Moho, the god of steam.
Keuakepo - god of rain of fire.
Hiiakawawahilani - the cloud holder.
Keoahikamakaua - the child of war.
Gods and Goddesses of the Natural World
Laamaomao - god of winds, lives on Molokai.
Hinakuluiau - goddess of rain.
Mooaleo - a gnome who lives on Lanai.
Kuula - god of fishermen - his wife is Hina.
Ukanipo - the shark god of Hawaii.
Moaalii - the shark god of Molokai and Oahu.
Apukohai - shark god of Kauai.
Haulili - god of speech.
Koleamoku - god of the art of healing - patron of the kahunas.
Lakakane - god of the hula.
Mokualii - god of canoe makers.
Ulaulekeahi - god of distillers.
Gods and Goddesses of Arts and Professions
Kalaipahoa - goddess who harms trees.
Kuahana - god who kills men.
Lie - goddess of the mountains.
Kiha - a goddess of Maui.
Uli - god of sorcerers.
Hiaka - a mountain god on Kauai.
Ouli - god who could kill people if prayed to.
Mahulu - names of gods in Lono’s temples.
Puea - a god worshipped in darkness.
Kaluannuunohonionio - a god of a temple’s sacrificial house.