Saturday, December 30, 2006

What is it going to be Christian or Occultist?

My opinion is that if you believe in what you read in the Bible or proclaim to be Christian then you have no business dabbling in the paranormal. Because you're already hooked up with the J.C man with the plan. You know how it's going to end right?!? Anything else is pretty much blasphemy.

So I was thinking that I'm pretty safe as a pagan to listen to a Pod-Cast about the Paranormal. The short answer is Nope.

I recently listened to a Pod-Cast of a on site haunting investigation. Right in the middle of explaining the happenings of this paranormal hot spot. The host a proud Christian, if he says so himself, spouts his contempt for the "Left Wing / Political Correct / Gay" conspiracy between drags on his cigarette. Whoa! back the Ecto-1 up. What does this have to do with anything paranormal. Plus what ever happen to not serving two masters. Who is stronger God or Nicotine? Not a very good witness in my opinion.

Then icing on the cake is the promo for the Pod-Cast. I don't remember it word for word but it had to do with a Warning "this pod-cast may offending Wiccans and Pagans and some other crap because they are the God and Guns Paranormal Pod-Cast." Talk about S**ting were you eat. I mean come on, with out pagans you wouldn't have the paranormal.

If we all believed in the Christian bible everything paranormal would be of the Devil and anybody thinking different would be burnt at the stake and we all could go home. You Christians are welcome into our "paranormal backyard" but don't start spouting your social and political agendas. Save it for Sunday.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

The A.C. Meltdown is back.

Because of time restraint I had to drop the ACM blog and combined it with the I used for my business until I acquired my current job position. This looked good on paper but I found that some of my old clients and friends started to raise a eyebrow my way and I found myself being careful about post that I wanted to put because of the Dark or Occult or Paranormal content. So I brought ACM back on Blogger so I can feel free to post without second guessing. I'm currently moving all the archived posts over. In the mean time you can view past post here.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

The Legend of Iris Doodle

Have I heard of the legendary Iris Doodle? Have I!!! I work with her. Listen to this lively weekly Netcast as Iris Doodle and her co-workers have lunch in a undisclosed location discussing the weeks event. [Click Here]

Topics can include: Family, Co-Workers, Pets, Politics, Religion, Aliens, Weather, Drugs, Tea, Sex, Computers, Food, Spelling, Giant Lobsters, Paranormal and much much more…

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Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Magic Mind Mystery Solved

Dr. Ed Craft was on the Air Monday ( for the first time since his dissaperance. The following is his explanation in a nut shell:

Dr. Ed Played practical joke on listening audience on “Fun Friday” by pretending to be removed by force from the broadcast.

A actual family emergency happened and Dr. Ed had to leave town during said practical joke.

Dr. Ed is out of town dealing with the emergency with no contact to the show.

People were fed second and third hand info, while trying to figure out what happened to Dr. Ed, resulting in conspiracies, name calling and a cancelled shows.

So thank you Dr. Ed Craft for a roller coaster ride of fact, fiction and all around fun.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Night Time Space Shuttle Launch

I was fortunate enough to have my first space shuttle launch experience at night and I didn’t even have to leave my front yard (Orlando Sentinel Pictures). We went out to the front yard at 8:45 not actually sure which way to look to view the launch. That question was quickly answered when over the dark horizon a yellowish orange glow started to get brighter. From the orange glow came a streak of yellow flame heading in a upward arch. At the top of the arch we saw a dimming red line drop from away from the streak. The yellow streak turned into a bluish dot in the night sky and sank below the horizon finishing the arc.